
WinRAR Compressed Archive

WinRAR Compressed Archive
File extension:

File format RAR is known also as Roshal Archive. It is default file format for program WinRAR. Its creator is Eugene Roshal and its most used extension is .rar. The main advantage of this file format is great compression of files and check for errors. The only disadvantage of this file format is that they can be created only in WinRAR. Other programs need to get agreement by creator, but any program has it. Another plus is that it can create files big up to 8 billion GB.

It was released on March, 1993 and since that it got many updates. First stable version was 1.3. Then there was v2.0 released few years after v1.3 and it was released toghether with program WinRaR 2.0 (this wersion was supported in Windows 95) and Rar for MS – DOS 2.0.

Today it´s in its latest version and it is marked as v5.0. It has also many more options than its first version. For example format supports multicore decompression of files, it has much better algorithms for compression and decompression of these files.

To create these files with this extension you can use only one program. That´s WinRAR, which has specially written code to create these files. Apart from creating these files it can also view and modify them. It also offers them error check and many other attainments. Besides WinRAR we can view these files in almost every other application created for viewing files in this file format. We can mention 7 – Zip, Peazip, File Roller or Ark.

We can convert rar into the following formats