OEB or if you want Open eBook is e-book file format, which was created by group of programmers from Open eBook Forum. Basically it is created using XML and with SoftBook Press company technologies. In fact we can say that it is .zip file, which contains some kind of leading file. It describes almost everything about every data in file. His advantage is ability to use HTML and CSS. Default extension is .opf.
First version was released in 1999, but it didn´t take long and the second version was released. That was 2 years after the release. Next update was done after another year, which was its latest version. After that it was replaced by EPUB format, which is derived from this file type.
There are several programs and devices allowing to open this file format. First of all there are three best known devices – SoftBook, Intel Reader and Apple iPad. To the programs belongs SoftBook created by SoftBook Press. Then there is FBReader, Mobipocket or WordPlayer, which is available on Android.